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What are the advantages of high pressure coolant system?

2021-11-11 07:57:09

High pressure coolant systems greatly improve the efficiency and performance of cutting, drilling or milling tools. Conventional cooling systems typically rely on "overflow" cooling, in which only a coolant fluid or oil is sprayed over the working area. Most of the liquid never reaches the cutting edge of the tool or material or becomes steam and is simply wasted. There is usually insufficient coolant to reach critical areas. This generates excessive heat, which requires slower drilling rates or frequent stops and restarts of bits or other tools.

The high-pressure coolant system originally developed in Switzerland delivers pressurized coolant through channels inside the tool and directly to the cutting edge. Coolant can be pumped at more than 1,000 pounds per square inch. This provides more coolant where it is really needed and reduces wasted runoff. Improvements in lubrication allow tools to stay cool and more efficiently flush chips, making cuts more precise and extending the life of cutting or drilling tools. High pressure cooling system considerations.

Advantages of high pressure cooling system:

1. Faster speed:

Fully cooled tools can increase spindle or bit speed without sacrificing tolerances. Inventory can be fed into tools at a higher rate, increasing production. High pressure cooling system can increase system productivity by 70%.

2. Reduce tool wear:

Fully cooled cutting tools extend cutting edge and are less susceptible to metal fatigue. The tool extends its service life. A 40% improvement in tool life is not uncommon when using high pressure cooling systems. Friction is reduced when the cut area is effectively cooled. This relieves the pressure on the spindle motor and prolongs its service life.

3. Deeper drilling has very good surface treatment:

High-pressure coolant injected through the tool itself flushes the borehole or work area more efficiently than an overflow cooling system. This allows for faster, deeper drilling operations and a smoother surface finish.

4. Chip size reduction:

A byproduct of the slow spindle speed is the hassle of large chip size. Continuous re-cutting of chips greatly increases machine wear. The fast spindle speed achieved through the high pressure cooling system produces smaller chips and effectively flushes the cutting edge, thus eliminating tool damage caused by heavy cutting of large chips.


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